My fairytale story

My fairytale story
Hi everyone,

I have a little fairytale story to tell you.

Once upon a time a boy said to a girl:

“Did you know that there are beautiful girls on this planet that have Louboutins in there closet but don’t know about it?” And the boy was referring to his girl.

And the girl in the story was me! Almost 3 years ago.

I still can’t believe it…

They even have a special name = my boubou’s haha.

So I started searching in my closet but didn’t find them. They were hidden behind my shoes for already 3 days, and I didn’t knew the whole time!

I opend the box and there were even two letters in it, also with red on it:

Everything that is in the shoebox:

And of course the ones my boyfriend chose for me, with the red sole :

dream shoes. Maybe I will have those too in my closet someday?! *hint*hint*

What is your most special gift ever?


Blonde Basket
