How I lost -10kg – Part 1

In this post you will read more on ‘How to lose 10kg in 6-7 month‘. 

One of the mistakes you probably are making is bad eating habits, not enough exercise or mentally not in the right place, which is holding back your progress and focussing on the goal to lose weight.

The reason I made this post, even though my goal on my blog is to focus on fashion, beauty, food and lifestyle, is because many of my followers over the last 3 years asked me about this subject. They wondered what I ate, how I maintained this lifestyle (it’s a lifestyle, not a diet!), where I get my inspiration from (because I am one of the worst eaters in history), etc. 

I hope this is usefull, and if you have any questions, you can contact me anytime!

How I started

Here you will read how I started (the months), every step I took and which and I experienced during every step.

1) Tracking my food intake 

I started using this app called ‘My Net Diary‘ to track what I eat. 

The reason why is NOT to lose weight but to gain knowledge about 

WHAT I was eating

– How many calories I ate

– Visually see how repetitive I was eating

When I ate

What I’ve learned in this step is that I ate a lot of chocolate (but already knew that),  not enough vegetables and had too many late night snacks.

App: My Net diary

2) Eating lighter

To start eating lighter I tried a detox with only eating smoothies for 3-4 days. I had read that it was good to lose weight quickly, it would give you more energy and the craving for sweets would diminish. 

As the noob that I was at the time (3 years ago), I started the detox with full energy. I bought a juicer, searched for recipes and bought fruits and vegetables. All ready to go!

In those 3-4 days I’ve noticed some benefits like losing weight, but also not very pleasant con’s.



  – Also I started craving ‘real food’. So I switched to 1 smoothie a day. My stomach had reduced so

when I ate as much as before my tummy hurt.

        – Planning the smoothies, making them and cleaning the juicer is very time consuming

3) Quit sugar/chocolate

One of my biggest addiction was and still is chocolate. Not just an addiction most girls have, for example during their period. I have a real chocolate addiction… Ate it 3 times a day, getting angry, etc. 

This addiction reduced getting older ( the angry part), but the sugar and chocolate addiction is still present.

I’ve read a lot about reducing the chocolate, reducing the sugar and doing it slowly to minimalize the withdrawal symptoms. But at the time I got to the point where eating even a tiny bit of chocolate gave me extreme pains in the stomach and liver. It was a sign my body was giving to ‘cut it off’.

That’s what I eventually did, after extreme pains several days on a row. 

I cut chocolate in my life for over a year!


In the beginning it was because I had:

    – Moodswings (happy to sad to angry)

    – Proud of what I already achieved


The bloating was less but not completely gone, also I didn’t lost all the weight I wanted to; only 2-3kg or so. 

This meant that after 2-3 months I had to dig deeper: 

What am I still doing wrong? 

Why is my body still protesting from food? (Sometimes I still had extreme bloating and cramps.) 

Why can’t I lose more weight?

More about this and what the big game changer was in the upcoming post next week!

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